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IELTS Expert Basic and Intermediate


20 Units

Day 1-20

1. Initial Simulation Test: Writing and Speaking

2. Speaking: Skill Orientation; Topic 1

3. Speaking: Marking Criteria - Fluency and Coherence; Topic 2

4. Writing: Introduction to Task 1; Warm up activities

5. Writing: Body Paragraphs

6. Speaking: Marking Criteria - Lexical Resources; Topic 3

7. Speaking: Marking Criteria - GRA; Topic 4

8. Speaking: marking Criteria - Pronunciation; Topic 5

9. Writing: Bar Chart and Pie Chart

10. Writing: Table and Diagram

11. Speaking: Parts 1,2 and 3 Topic 6

12. Speaking: Parts 1,2 and 3Topic 7

13. Speaking: Speaking Test - Topic 10

14. Writing: Map and Multiple Charts

15. Writing: Task 2: - Introduction and Paraphrasing

16. Speaking: Parts 1,2 and 3 Topics 8 and 9

17. Speaking: Parts 1,2 and 3 Topics 13 and 14

18. Writing: Task 2 - Body Paragraphs and Conclusion

19. Writing: Task 2 - Essay Writing

20. Final Simulation Test: Writing and Speaking
