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Let's Go 4


32 Units

Day 1-32

1. Let's Talk: The Great Outdoors

2. Let's Learn: What are you going to do?

3. Let's Learn More: I'm going tp the mountains. What do I need?

4. Let's Read: Phonics ch and sh

5. Let's Talk: Hopes and Dreams

6. Let's Learn: What does he want to be?

7. Let's Learn More: What does he want to do? He wants to drive a car.

8. Let's Read: Phonics ph and wh

Review. Unit 1-8

9. Let's Talk: Birthdays

10. Let's Learn: What did you do yesterday?

11. Let's Learn More: What happened? She won a race.

12. Let's Read: Phonics hard and soft th

13. Let's Talk: School

14. Let's Learn: Which season do you like best?

15. Let's Learn More: Which book is heavier? The red book is heavier.

16. Let's Read: Phonics ck and nk

Review. Unit 9-16

17. Let's Talk: Outdoors and Indoors

18. Let's Learn: Kate went under a bridge and up a hill.

19. Let's Learn More: What did you do on Sunday? I watched a baseball game.

20. Let's Read: Phonics lk and st

21. Let's Talk: People

22. Let's Learn: What does you cousin look like?

23. Let's Learn More: Which one is your uncle?

24. Let's Read: Phonics nd and ng

Review. Unit 17-24

25. Let's Talk: Future Plans

26. Let's Learn: Are you going tp read a novel tonight?

27. Let's Learn More: Where are you going to go? We're going to go to the gift shop.

28. Let's Read: Phonics qu and tw

29. Let's Talk: Work and Play

30. Let's Learn: What do you like to do?

31. Let's Learn More: What do you have to do? I have to wash the dishes.

32. Let's Read: Phonics nt and rt

Review. Unit 25-32
